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Feel free to use my translations, but please credit the translator as DiPLOPiA, and link back directly to the translation page when possible.

Not recommended for browsing on narrow screen e.g. mobile phone.

[Explanation] △ (Tetra)

社团 凋叶棕
首发 C99 (2021-12-31)

Chinese / 中文版

The following are my own interpretations and are not official.

Album name

The title is pronounced as Tetra / テトラ which is the Greek prefix pertaining to “four”… But there are only three people in Hifuu Club this time, and the name is just a triangle? Read on.

Vocalist roles

  • めらみぽっぷ (Meramipop) = Merry
  • 紫咲ほたる (Hotaru Murasaki) = Renko (track 5)
  • nayuta = Sumireko (track 4)

Burnt letter

The top half of this burnt letter was posted by RD on Twitter shortly before announcing the new album. Both the top and bottom halves can found on the secret webpage (through the QR code in the CD booklet).

English translation, top half (CLICK TO EXPAND)

This is me speaking to myself, in a corner of this dying world.
Our universe is destined to perish momentarily.
And the culprit … there’s no mistake, it’s “them”.

It all started with a message.

A message of unknown origin, which is contained by this disc. I did not know where or whom it was from.

Of course I couldn’t know, because it was a message from another universe.
A universe above ours - a higher-layer universe.

What the message said was truly astounding.

There are other universes residing in a layer above ours.
There are also other probability universes in the same layer as our own (!).
And this disc could let us see the other universes in the same layer as ours.

But what it showed us -
Were worlds being contaminated, eroded, and destroyed by “them”.

I’m sure it was “them” who caused
the neighbouring universes to become like this.

And when I realised this, “they” are already here in our universe.

I wasn’t able to play around with this message.
That is to say, our sound will not reach anybody else.
The only thing we can do, is to watch over while sending this message to lower-layer universes.

Please, let this message reach universes where “they” don’t exist,

before “they” - the “Hifuu Club”, destroy all the universes.

English translation, bottom half (CLICK TO EXPAND)

…… but actually, we know.

When this message reaches you… it would already be too late.

I’m sure something like this will also happen to the next universe.

Our neighbouring universes are already contaminated.

Because well, this message itself is aimed at the “Hifuu Club”, isn’t it?

If that’s the case, we are already contaminated. We are no longer able to think of a universe without the “Hifuu Club”.

Those who made this message in the first place, who knows what they were thinking?

Ah, then let’s just

Spread it!

Spread it far and wide! Let the Hifuu Club reach many, many, many, many more universes!

The Divine Message

RD also posted this video on Twitter, which is actually Track 1 of the album i.e. The Divine Message. This seems to be a message from Hifuu Club (consisting of three people) which mentions their grand project named “Project Tetra”.


In the source code of the secret webpage found through the QR code in the album booklet, there is a hint to reach another secret webpage which contains the uncorrupted Divine Message audio (i.e. Activity-log-21-12-12). This also explains why the Hifuu Club has three people, but the project is called Tetra, the Greek prefix for “four”. (tl;dr: you are the fourth person).

According to the credits on BK, the whole text is read by Merry = Meramipop.

By the way, the backing music sounds very similar to Gymnopédies (shudders in The Gymnopédies Never End…).

Activity-log21-12-12 By-ear transcription (CLICK TO EXPAND)









Activity-log21-12-12 English translation (CLICK TO EXPAND)

Ah, ah. Is this thing on?
Is that so? OK, I’ll start.
Eh, we, a Search for Multiverse Intelligent Life Association, ah…
I am Hearn, one of the members.

(Very quietly) Wait, really? Are we actually going to use that name?
It’s so embarrassing! What, Sumireko you agree?
OK, OK! Fine!

We, the “Hifuu Club”, a Search for Multiverse Intelligent Life Association,
are transmitting this message.

In recent years, in our scientific world,
there has been developments on the research of the form of existence of the universe.
About sixty years ago, it was proven that there exists an infinite past in the universe.
The latest research has shown that the universe does not only have an infinite past,
but also an infinite future, and that there is more than one way in which it could exist.
That is to say, the very existence of our universe,
means the possible existence of other universes.

Nevertheless, our world
is not actively trying to contact other universes.
This is very disappointing. What a waste of opportunity!
This is why we, the Hifuu Club,
thought we should send a message to other possible universes on our own.

We mean no harm by this message.
Also, this message is not set to be
delivered to a specific universe.
Perhaps it will become lost, without ever reaching anywhere.
But I hope it will reach you,
as a message from a higher-layer universe to a lower universe.
What is it like in your universe?
We can’t do anything to you, nor can we help you.
But I think it would be wonderful if this little gift reached you.
What a wonderful feeling it would be,
to scoop up our voices from this infinite world of possibilities.

This is an epic cross-universe project
between the three of us and you, our intermediary.
Therefore, we named it “Project Tetra”.
You who have received this message,
please spread the word about our Hifuu Club’s existence.


The System

As explained in the System Manual in the CD booklet, people from U0001-9134845-120368896 received a divine message from their saviour - a higher-layer universe, and they built a System to spread Project Tetra further downwards. The System can be passed down to lower universes, and is only able to scan for possible universes in the same layer as itself.

The System IS this CD album, evident from the text on the disc: PROJECT TETRA DATA DISC U0001-9134845-120368896.

My theory on the universes SPOILER (CLICK TO EXPAND)
  • U0000-0000000-000000000: Hifuu Club transmitted a message to lower universes.
  • U0001-9134845-120368896: the message was scrambled before being received by this universe. People in this universe misintepreted the message segments, and thought the higher-layer universe was going to save them (due to hearing words like あなたの助けに (be your help), and only hearing the first half of 掬い取って (“scoop up”), which sounds the same as 救い (“salvation”)). They even constructed a System to spread Project Tetra, as a way to repay their saviour’s kindness. The System is also able to scan many universes within the same depth layer.
  • U7730-■■■■■■■-■■■■■■■■■: People in one of the universes in this depth wrote the burnt letter mentioned above. After observing their neighbouring universes die in many different ways through the System, they thought the Hifuu Club was a contamination that destroyed universes. They wrote the letter to warn lower universes, but knew this was futile and decided to spread this contamination further downwards anyway.
  • U7731: I think this is the layer our universe, as the System can only search for the other universes in the same layer as it is currently on i.e. ours. The other album tracks are from our neighbouring universes. Also, track 10 is possibly the most close-to-original rearrangement from RD, maybe this is hinting that track 10’s universe is the one where the real Touhou Project, and thus we, exist.
English Translation of the System Manual (CLICK TO EXPAND) For new users of this system:

This system is designed for the Most Exalted Project.
The purpose of this complex system is to observe possible universes, and to spread the Divine Message.

When this System is running, it is able to collect the Possibility Depth Layer and Possibility Coordinates of the Universe that the System is currently in.
Afterwards, it is able to collect the states of neighbouring Possibility Universes on the same Possibility Depth Layer, and to output information on those universes.

≪The Meaning of the Existence of this System≫

We of the universe U0001-9134845-120368896, on the date 20■■-12-12, have received a message from a higher-layer universe.
The message was fragmented, but it clearly showed the intention of the higher-layer universe to lend their help and save our universe.
We admire this noble idea, therefore we have designed this System, in order to repay the kindness of those who bring salvation upon us, as much as we possibly could.

The purpose of this System is to spread Project Tetra even further,
As well as to observe the neighbouring universes as they bask in the coming salvation [Normal output failed. Error Code: 0x0ff00a77843 Please contact the system administrator.]

≪! Attention !≫
The message can only be send from a higher-layer universe to a lower-layer universe.

≪About the Possibility Universe Address≫

The address of a Possibility Universe is formatted as below:

①     ②       ③

① The Possibility Depth Layer where this System currently resides.
   This number increases every time this System is passed down to a lower universe.
② The serial number of the Main Coordinates.
③ The serial number of the Subset Coordinates within the Main Coordinates.

The differences between the Possibility Depth Layer, the Main Coordinates serial number, and the Subset Coordinates serial number, show the extent to which the possibilities of two universes differ.

≪! Important !≫

The last part of the manual is heavily corrupted, both the image, and the text itself which turned into mojibake.

Attempt at recovering the last part of System Manual (CLICK TO EXPAND) Same process as how I unscrambled the cover art hover text, see section below for details. Blue text = unsure

Corrupted text:


Uncorrupted text:

本システムを使用することにより 下位可能性宇宙に「秘封俱楽部」が転写され■■■■■■システムの設計目的ですが、必ず実行されます。

Cover art hover text

Hovering over the cover art in the album page reveals the following text:

■声分析の結果、出力された#%図である。 #聖な#%メッセージによると/封?楽&%(縺薙l莉・螟悶?邯エ繧翫?閠?∴繧峨l繧九□繧阪≧縺??)は複数名で構成され#$% ノ?ズ%&&ブレーションとエ繧?の■響

Tl;dr: this sentence:


is the corrupted form (mojibake) of the sentence:


which translates to:

Are any other spellings even conceivable?

This might be referring to the preceeding text /封?楽&%, saying it could only be “spelt” as 秘封俱楽部 (Hifuu Club). The Divine Message is an audio message so it is impossible to know which kanji were used.

How to work out the original, a.k.a. detail for nerds (CLICK TO EXPAND)

I feel that most of the corruption in this paragraph was added manually, but one sentence stands out as a typical Mojibake(文字化け) , which occurs when displaying UTF-8 encoded text in Shift-JIS:


Unfortunately, mojibake is not completely reversible, but chucking this into a mojibake inverter revealed an almost coherent sentence:


To solve the rest of the content, firstly converting the corrupted text into hex:

e3 81 93 e3 82 8c e4 bb a5 e5 a4 96 e3 3f e7 b6
b4 e3 82 8a e3 3f e8 80 3f 81 88 e3 82 89 e3 82
8c e3 82 8b e3 81 a0 e3 82 8d e3 81 86 e3 81 3f

Shift-JIS uses one or two bytes to represent one character (Shift-JIS lookup table), whereas UTF-8 uses variable number of bytes. However:

  • knowing the original text is probably all in Japanese, there should be 3 bytes per character in UTF-8, and the first four bit of each character should be 0b1110 = 0xE.
  • 0x3F in Shift-JIS is the question mark, which represents a character not found in Shift-JIS, so it could represent either one or two unknown bytes in the original text. Also 0x3F would not occur in any bytes in UTF-8, as the bytes should begin either with 0b1110 = 0xE (first byte), or 0b10 (subsequent byte).

This led to me dividing the hex up in threes, and replacing 0x3F with one or two missing bytes as appropriate. Let’s also fill in the characters deobfuscated by the mojibake inverter:

e3 81 93 
e3 82 8c 
e4 bb a5 
e5 a4 96 
e3 ?? ??
e7 b6 b4 
e3 82 8a 
e3 ?? ??
e8 80 ??
?? 81 88
e3 82 89 
e3 82 8c 
e3 82 8b 
e3 81 a0 
e3 82 8d 
e3 81 86 
e3 81 ??

More observation: characters beginning with 0xE3 represents Unicode code point U+3???, and is likely a hiragana. The one beginning with 0xE8 is a kanji.

Now, guess work:

  • ?? 81 88: The only sensible first byte would be 0xE3, which results in the Hiragana え. Other 0xE? yields very uncommon characters.
  • e8 80 ??: The only possible range of characters is U+8000 to U+803F: 耀 老 耂 考 耄 者 耆 耇 耈 耉 耊 耋 而 耍 耎 耏 耐 耑 耒 耓 耔 耕 耖 耗 耘 耙 耚 耛 耜 耝 耞 耟 耠 耡 耢 耣 耤 耥 耦 耧 耨 耩 耪 耫 耬 耭 耮 耯 耰 耱 耲 耳 耴 耵 耶 耷 耸 耹 耺 耻 耼 耽 耾 耿. From the context I think the only sensible one is 考.
  • e3 81 ??: This is the last hiragana in a sentence that seems to be a question, so I guess this is か.
  • e3 ?? ??: From the context, I guess these hiraganas are の and は. The second hiragana cannot be を, as it would have been represented by e3 82 92, and 8292 is a valid character in Shift-JIS (a full-width lower case r), so it can’t have been converted to a question mark.

Which gives:

e3 81 93 
e3 82 8c 
e4 bb a5 
e5 a4 96 
e3 81 ae 
e7 b6 b4 
e3 82 8a 
e3 81 af 
e8 80 83 
e3 81 88 
e3 82 89 
e3 82 8c 
e3 82 8b 
e3 81 a0 
e3 82 8d 
e3 81 86 
e3 81 8b 

There we have it:


My otherwise entirely unfounded guess for the hover text as a whole (blue = unsure):


Melonbooks message

In the Melonbooks page of this album, in the message from the author, there is again a Mojibake paragraph:


This is converted from the album intro in RD’s own page:


Melonbooks has formatted the Mojibake (e.g. converting half-width characters into full-width), so the message from its page cannot be inverted.

Chinese / 中文版

[解读] △ (Tetra)

社团 凋叶棕
首发 C99 (2021-12-31)

English / 英文版



专辑名读作 Tetra / テトラ,是希腊语前缀,意为「四」,然而这次秘封组只有三人,名字也是个三角形?继续读下去吧。


  • めらみぽっぷ = 梅莉
  • 紫咲ほたる = 莲子 (track 5)
  • nayuta = 堇子 (track 4)


宣布新专辑前不久,RD 在推特上发布了这封信的上半部分。信的上下两部分都可以在秘密网页上找到(通过 BK 上的 QR 码打开)。


























RD 也在推特上发布了这个视频,其实就是本专辑第一轨『神聖なるメッセージ』(神圣的消息)。听起来关乎一个三人组成的秘封俱乐部与其庞大的 Tetra 计划。


扫描 BK 上 QR 码会打开一个秘密网页,其源代码中有指向另一个秘密网页的线索。后者有第一轨的无损版本(即 Activity-log-21-12-12),解释了为什么秘封组有三人,却叫 Tetra 计划(你就是第四人)。

根据 BK,全文都是梅莉 = Merami 读的。


Activity-log21-12-12 听写(点击展开)









Activity-log21-12-12 中文翻译(点击展开)

啊,啊。 有声音嘛?






因此我们命名其为「Tetra 计划」。



从 BK 的系统说明书中得知,U0001-9134845-120368896 宇宙的人收到了救赎者从上层宇宙发布的消息后,创建了这个系统以将 Tetra 计划继续向下层宇宙扩散。该系统可以被传到下层宇宙,并且只能扫描到其所在宇宙同层的平行宇宙。

这个系统就是这张专辑 CD 本身,从碟面上写的字便可得知:PROJECT TETRA DATA DISC U0001-9134845-120368896

  • U0000-0000000-000000000: 秘封俱乐部从此向下层宇宙发布消息。
  • U0001-9134845-120368896: 消息到达前受到极大干扰,因此该宇宙误认为上层宇宙的人会救赎自己(因为听到「あなたの助けに」(帮助你),以及只听到「掬い取って」(捞起)这个词的前半部分,也就是「救い」(救赎))。该宇宙随之创建了传播 Tetra 计划的系统,以报答救赎者。该系统可以扫描同位其他平行宇宙。
  • U7730-■■■■■■■-■■■■■■■■■: 烧焦的信来自这个宇宙。该宇宙的人目睹邻近的平行宇宙接连死去,并认为秘封俱乐部就是毁掉宇宙的元凶,于是写了信警告下层宇宙,不过其实深知这都是无用功,不如破罐子破摔把 Tetra 计划继续向下传播。
  • U7731: 这是我们所在的世界层,因为系统只能扫描到同层宇宙。专辑中所有 U7731 开头的曲子都来自与我们同层的平行宇宙。以及 Tr. 10 开头大概是原曲粉碎机 RD 少见的非常接近原曲的改编了,所以猜测这首曲子所在的宇宙可能就是东方 Project,以及我们,存在的宇宙。
系统说明书中文翻译(点击展开) 初次使用本系统的用户:




我们 U0001-9134845-120368896 宇宙,在 20■■-12-12 这一天,收到了来自上层宇宙的消息。

本系统的目的是为了进一步推广 「Tetra 计划」。
同时也是为了观察邻近的宇宙沐浴在即将到来的救赎之中的模样[正常输出失败。错误代码:0x0ff00a77843 请联系系统管理员]

≪! 注意事项 !≫



①     ②       ③

① 本系统目前所在的可能性深度层。
② 主坐标序列号。
③ 主坐标中的子坐标序列号。


≪! 重要事项 !≫


试图解读系统说明书最后一部分(点击展开) 关于具体如何解读,见下一段。蓝字 = 不确定内容




本システムを使用することにより 下位可能性宇宙に「秘封俱楽部」が転写され■■■■■■システムの設計目的ですが、必ず実行されます。



■声分析の結果、出力された#%図である。 #聖な#%メッセージによると/封?楽&%(縺薙l莉・螟悶?邯エ繧翫?閠?∴繧峨l繧九□繧阪≧縺??)は複数名で構成され#$% ノ?ズ%&&ブレーションとエ繧?の■響







应该是指该句前面的 /封?楽&% 只有可能被写作「秘封俱楽部」,毕竟神圣的消息是音频,不可能知道汉字写法。


最后这段大多乱码应该都是手动加入的,唯独有一句话很明显是日语乱码(Mojibake,文字化け),是试图用日本独有的 Shift-JIS 显示 UTF-8 编码文本时产生的现象:




为了解读问号部分,首先将乱码文转写成 hex:

e3 81 93 e3 82 8c e4 bb a5 e5 a4 96 e3 3f e7 b6
b4 e3 82 8a e3 3f e8 80 3f 81 88 e3 82 89 e3 82
8c e3 82 8b e3 81 a0 e3 82 8d e3 81 86 e3 81 3f

Shift-JIS 用一个或两个字节表示一个字符(Shift-JIS 对照表)。而 UTF-8 用的字节数可变,不过:

  • 因为原文应该全是日语,所以 UTF-8 里每个字符都会用三个字节,并且每个字符开头四个比特都是 0b1110 = 0xE.
  • Shift-JIS 里 0x3F 是问号,代表 Shift-JIS 里没有的字符,所以可能对应原文中一个或者两个字节。另外 UTF-8 中不可能出现 0x3F,因为 UTF-8 字节开头要么是 0b1110 = 0xE(第一个字节),要么是 0b10(后续字节)。

因此可以把 hex 三三分组,并将 0x3F 以一个或两个未知字节代替,然后加上刚才解码器解出的部分:

e3 81 93 
e3 82 8c 
e4 bb a5 
e5 a4 96 
e3 ?? ??
e7 b6 b4 
e3 82 8a 
e3 ?? ??
e8 80 ??
?? 81 88
e3 82 89 
e3 82 8c 
e3 82 8b 
e3 81 a0 
e3 82 8d 
e3 81 86 
e3 81 ??

又注意到:0xE3 开头的字对应的是 Unicode 代码点 U+3???,所以很可能是平假名。0xE8 开头的则是汉字。


  • ?? 81 88: 第一个字节只可能是 0xE3,得到平假名「え」。其他 0xE? 对应的都是非常罕见的字符。
  • e8 80 ??: 只可能对应 U+8000 到 U+803F 之间的字符: 耀 老 耂 考 耄 者 耆 耇 耈 耉 耊 耋 而 耍 耎 耏 耐 耑 耒 耓 耔 耕 耖 耗 耘 耙 耚 耛 耜 耝 耞 耟 耠 耡 耢 耣 耤 耥 耦 耧 耨 耩 耪 耫 耬 耭 耮 耯 耰 耱 耲 耳 耴 耵 耶 耷 耸 耹 耺 耻 耼 耽 耾 耿。联系上下文,这个字只可能是「考」。
  • e3 81 ??: 问句最后一个假名,猜是「か」。
  • e3 ?? ??: 联系上下文,这两个平假名分别是「の」和「は」。第二个平假名不可能是「を」,因为那样的话 hex 会是 e3 82 92,而鉴于 8292 是 Shift-JIS 里存在的字符(全角小写 r),所以不会变成问号。


e3 81 93 
e3 82 8c 
e4 bb a5 
e5 a4 96 
e3 81 ae 
e7 b6 b4 
e3 82 8a 
e3 81 af 
e8 80 83 
e3 81 88 
e3 82 89 
e3 82 8c 
e3 82 8b 
e3 81 a0 
e3 82 8d 
e3 81 86 
e3 81 8b 



对于最后整个部分的瞎猜(蓝字 = 不确定):





是从 RD 自己网页上的这段专辑介绍转码的:



English / 英文版

[中译|Eng.] dreamily in ruin -少女と瓦礫の世界-

歌名 dreamily in ruin -少女と瓦礫の世界-
dreamily in ruin -少女与瓦砾的世界-
dreamily in ruin -girls and the world of rubbles- Album: farewell wonderland.
专辑 farewell wonderland.
社团 空彩観測。
首发 例大祭10 (2013-05-26)
演唱 束音
编曲 杷月
原曲 ネイティブフェイス


Lyrics are my own transcription. There are two voices on each stereo channel, personally I think left (L) is Akyu and right (R) is Reimu, but the other way also seems reasonable.

dreamily in ruin -少女と瓦礫の世界- dreamily in ruin -少女与瓦砾的世界- dreamily in ruin -girl and the world of rubbles-
L もうおわったの? 已经结束了吗? Is it over already?
R おわったよ。 结束了。 Yes.
L そうなんだ、かなしいね。 这样啊。让人伤心呢。 I see, that’s sad.
R かなしいの? 你伤心吗? Are you sad?
L かなしくないわ。 并不伤心。 No.
R どうだろう。 真的吗。 Really…
L さみしいの? 你寂寞吗? Are you lonely?
R さみしくなんかないわ。 并不寂寞。 No.
L どうして? 为什么? Why?
R また、はじまるから。 因为,还会再次开始。 Because it will start again.
L はじまる?なにが? 什么会开始? What will?
R あたらしいせかいが。 新的世界。 A new world.
L あたらしいせかい?ぼくたちのせかいはどうなる? 新的世界?我们的世界会怎么样? A new world? What will happen to ours?
R かたりつがれる。 会被继续诉说。 It will be passed on as a story.
L かたりつがれて、どうなる? 在那之后呢? What happens then?
R ここでいきつづけるんだ。 你们会在这里继续活下去。 You will continue to live here.
L ぼくたち、きえちゃったの? 我们已经消失了吗? Have we disappeared?
R きえてなんかいない。いきている、わたしのなかに。 没有消失。都还活在我之中。 No. You still live inside me.
L きみの、なかに? 在你之中? Inside… you?
R そう。わたしがあなたたちのものがたりをおぼえていく。 对。我会记住你们的故事。 That’s right. I will remember your stories.
そして、そっちのひとたちにつたえる。 然后将你曾在的世界、将我们的世界, And then, I will tell the people on the other side
あなたがいたせかいを、わたしたちのせかいを。 告诉那边的人。 about the world you were in, about our world.
L ぼくたちのせかい? 我们的世界? Our world?
R そう。だから、かなしくなんかない、さみしくもない。 对。所以不用伤心、不用感到寂寞。 Yes. So don’t feel sad or lonely.
ずっといきつづける、ずっといっしょだ。 你们会一直活着,我们会一直在一起。 You will always live, and we will always be together.
L うん、わかった。きみといっしょなら、かなしくない、さみしくない。 嗯,明白了。要是和你在一起,我不会伤心,也不会寂寞。 OK. If I’m with you, I won’t feel sad or lonely.
R うん、いこう。わたしたちのあたらしいせかいへ。 嗯,走吧。去我们的新世界。 Let’s go to our new world.
きっと、すてきなせかいだ。 那一定是个美好的世界。 It must be a wonderful world.
L バイバイ。 拜拜。 Bye-bye.

[中译|Eng.] 永遠の巫女

歌名 永遠の巫女 | 永远的巫女 | Eternal Shrine Maiden
专辑 東方漸悟 touhou-djent | 东方渐悟 touhou-djent
社团 waorlarts
首发 例大祭5 (2008-05-25)
演唱 dancho + daichi
作词 ninben
编曲 waoru
原曲 永遠の巫女

This album on Bandcamp.

永遠の巫女 永远的巫女 Eternal Shrine Maiden
アルカナの縁 若这奥秘 (arcana) 的因缘 If this destiny of arcana
始めから解き明かせば えぇ~ 从一开始便被昭示的话 Eh~ Was unravelled from the start…
犠牲の空に 影深まる 牺牲的天空中 暗影聚集 Shadows deepen in the sky of sacrifice.
足もと 鮮やかな花弁は 鲜艳的花瓣 洒落足畔 Colourful petals scatter at my feet.
誰も知らぬまま 那是无人知晓的、 Nobody knows that
明日もただそこに 明天也将继续在这里 You will still be there tomorrow.
すべて受け入れてく ジェスター 接纳一切的小丑 (jester) You are a jester who accepts everything.
狭間の世界で 你从缝隙中的世界 You offer your prayers
祈りを捧げる 奉上祈祷 From this world in a gap.
そんな君だけが そばにいて 只有那样的你 在我身边 You are the only one by my side,
うねる力で 僕を 以波动之神力 将我… And with an undulating power, you made me…
耳をふさぐほど 越是紧捂双耳 The more I try to shut my ears,
聞こえてくるのは 越能清楚地听见 The clearer I hear
誰の意志が砕ける声 谁人的意志粉碎之声 The sound of someone’s will shattering.
行先のしれぬ 不知前路的 Today, the shapeless god
形なき神は 无形的神明 Who knows not where to go,
今日もどこかで 踏みならす 今天也不知在何处 踏响大地 Is still trampling somewhere.
Ah 始まりはいつか 啊 起始终有一天 Ah, someday,
ここで閉じてゆく 将在这片紫色的土地上 The beginning will close
ムラサキの地で 走向闭合 Here in this land of purple.
犠牲の空に 影深まる 牺牲的天空中 暗影聚集 Shadows deepen in the sky of sacrifice.
足もと 鮮やかな花弁は 鲜艳的花瓣 洒落足畔 Colourful petals scatter at my feet.
誰も知らぬまま 那是无人知晓的、 Nobody knows that
明日もただそこに 明天也将继续在这里 You will still be there tomorrow.
すべて守りつなぐ ジェスター 维系一切的小丑 (jester) You are a jester who protects and connects everything.
祈りの世界を 继续守护 You keep watching over
見守り続ける 祈祷的世界 This world of prayers.
そんな君だけが 見届けて 只有那样的你 目睹一切 You are the only one to see me to the end,
うねる力で 僕を 以波动之神力 将我… And with an undulating power, you made me…

[中译|Eng.] 胎児の夢

歌名 胎児の夢 | 胎儿之梦 | Dream of a Fetus
社团 凋叶棕
首发 C78 (2010-08-14)
演唱 めらみぽっぷ
作词 RD-Sounds
编曲 RD-Sounds
原曲 無間の鐘 ~ Infinite Nightmare


歌名 胎児の夢 ~ Soul Undertone
胎儿之梦 ~ 灵魂底韵
Dream of a Fetus ~ Soul Undertone
首发 C84 (2013-08-12)


该论文也是《DS文花帖》中古明地恋同名符卡的来源。一些关于该符卡更详细的考察可见 THBWiki


关于原曲之一《无间之钟 ~ Infinite Nightmare》:

  • 《无间之钟》和恋的符卡「胎儿之梦」都是在《DS文花帖》中初次登场。
  • Infinite Nightmare (无尽梦魇)正是指《胎儿之梦》。
  • 「无间」是佛教中地狱最底层,符合本曲残酷的主题,并且梦野久作的著作多以《XX地狱》的格式命名(尽管《脑髓地狱》原名『ドグラ・マグラ』并不符合这个格式)。

This song contains heavy reference to Yumeno Kyūsaku’s novel Dogra Magra (ドグラ・マグラ), specifically the essay featured in this novel titled Dream of a Fetus (胎児の夢). The essay puts forward the theory that a human fetus would dream in the womb of its mother the entire history of evolution (roughly single cell → fish → amphibian → beast → human, a.k.a. recapitulation theory), and the cruel acts committed by its ancestors. This history is imprinted in every single cell of the fetus.

This essay is also referenced by Koishi’s spellcard of the same name in Double Spoiler.

You can read the full text of Dogra Magra in Japanese here.

The inclusion of Bell of Avici ~ Infinite Nightmare is also quite interesting:

  • Both this song and Koishi’s spellcard first appeared in the same game Double Spoiler.
  • Infinite Nightmare is exactly what Dream of a Fetus is about – a nightmare that continues through generations.
  • In Bhuddism, Avīci is the lowst level of Naraka, or “hell” realm, fitting for the gruesome theme. Also, many of Yumeno’s works have titles ending in “hell” (地獄), although Dogra Magra isn’t one of them.
胎児の夢 胎儿之梦 Dream of a Fetus
連綿と続いてゆく。 进化的轨迹。 The path of evolution continues -
進化の軌跡―悪夢。 连绵不断——如噩梦一般。 A never-ending nightmare.
細胞のひとつひとつ。 一个又一个细胞之上。 Each and every one of its cells,
刷り込まれた記憶達。[1] 铭印着各种各样的记忆。[1:1] Is imprinted with many memories.[1:2]
それは 看哪 Look!
细线 Threads,
[2] 颗粒[2:1] Grains,[2:2]
分裂増大 (からだわか) [3] 分裂增大 (形体分裂) [3:1] Split and expand (Tear apart) .[3:2]
(はだ) 鳞片 (肌肤) With scales (skins)
青く 青蓝 so blue,
群を為す 成群结队 They form swarms.
手足持ち 手足并用 With arms and legs
這い回り 匍匐地面 They crawl about.
樹から樹へ 树梢之间 From tree to tree,
飛び回る 来回穿行 They jump around.
より強く 为了变得强大 In order to become stronger
逃れるため 逃避危险 And to escape,
祈り続ける 而不停祈祷 They keep praying.
そして今 如今终于 And now,
叡智をその手に… 获得了智慧… With intelligence in their hands…
アー夢を見る遠くトオク 啊——梦见了多么遥远的过去 Ah, dreaming far into the past
追われ生き延びていく生存の歴史を 那段被死亡追逐、苟延残喘的历史 Of the history of survival - being chased, struggling to live.
アー入れ込まれたその構造 (システム) 啊——被放置在这样的构造 (系统) Ah, placed in this structure (system) ,
囚われて夢を見続ける 被囚禁着、一直做着梦 Imprisoned, it continues to dream,
無意識の底に沈み行く 逐渐下沉到无意识的底处 While sinking into the depth of unconsciousness.
アー胎児は夢を見る 啊——胎儿沉眠梦中 Ah, the fetus dreams.
連綿と続いてゆく。 进化的轨迹。 The path of evolution continues -
進化の軌跡―悪夢。 连绵不断——如噩梦一般。 A never-ending nightmare.
細胞のひとつひとつ。 一个又一个细胞之上。 Each and every one of its cells,
刷り込まれた記憶達。 铭印着各种各样的记忆。 Is imprinted with many memories.
それは 看哪 Look!
罪恶 Sins,
过错 Faults,
私欲のまま 尽是私欲 Derived from selfish desires,
殺戮し 杀戮 Slaughter,
略奪し 掠夺 Plunder,
谋划 Conspiracy,
背信 (うらぎり) 背叛 And betrayal,
逃れえぬ 无法逃离 Form an unescapable
繰り返し 循坏往复 Repeating cycle.
血に塗れ 鲜血淋漓的 A bloodstained,
呪われた 被诅咒的 Cursed
憎しみの連鎖 仇恨的连锁 Chain of hatred.
そしてまた 然后再次 Then, again,
どこかで誰かが… 在某处、由某人… Somewhere, someone…
アー夢を見る遠くトオク 啊——梦见了多么遥远的过去 Ah, dreaming far into the past
犯したその罪の醜い軌跡を 那条充满罪孽、丑恶不堪的轨迹 Of the path formed by hideous sins they’ve committed.
アー夢の終わりはどこへ向かう 啊——梦最终会通往何方 Ah, where will this dream lead?
まだ知りえぬ光の先へ 是那尚不可知的光芒的彼侧 Beyond that yet unknowable light?
ここのつこがねの今際まで[4] 还是午夜钟声将逝之时[4:1] Or to the fading of the midnight chimes?[4:2]
アー胎児は夢を見る 啊——胎儿沉眠梦中 Ah, the fetus dreams.
終わらない悪夢 噩梦无终无尽 An endless nightmare.
続いていく悪夢 噩梦延绵不绝 A continuing nightmare.
進化する歩みを止めない限り 只要进化的步伐不能被停止 As long as evolution stays uninterruptible,
血塗られた歴史 这血腥的历史 This bloodstained history,
呪われた歴史 被诅咒的历史 This cursed history,
これからも続いてゆくだろう 今后也会一直继续吧 Will surely continue.
アー夢を見る遠くトオク 啊——梦见了多么遥远的过去 Ah, dreaming far into the past,
その罪はその咎は 毫无办法断绝 Unable to stop committing
絶やす事など出来ずに 那些不堪入目的罪恶 Those sins and faults itself.
胎児よ胎児よ何故躍る[5] 胎儿呀 胎儿呀 你为何跃动[5:1] Fetus, fetus, why do you struggle?[5:2]
胎児よ胎児よ何故躍る 胎儿呀 胎儿呀 你为何跃动 Fetus, fetus, why do you struggle?
母親の心がわかって 是因为明白了母亲的心思 Have you understood your mother’s heart
おそろしいのか 而害怕了吗 And was it terrifying?
そして今 如今 And now,
夢の続きを 这场梦的后续 The continuation of this dream
新たに刻みはじめる… 重新开始被刻入… Is starting to imprint lives, once again…

注 | Notes

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[中译] The beautiful world

歌名 The beautiful world | 美丽的世界
专辑 辿
社团 凋叶棕
首发 C83 (2012-12-30)
演唱 めらみぽっぷ
作词 RD-Sounds
编曲 RD-Sounds
原曲 魔術師メリー
The beautiful world 美丽的世界
はぐれたら、どうなるの? 走散了的话,会怎么样呢?
離したら、どうなるの? 放开手的话,会怎么样呢?
そんなこと、考えても意味はないと。 思考那种问题,毫无意义。
ただ、その冷たさ (暖かさ) を心の支えにして、 我独自一人 (你我二人) ,曾将那份寒意 (暖意)
闇の中、独りで (二人で) 、探していた。 作为心灵的支撑,在黑暗中探索。
隣には、誰も居ないのに (貴女がいるのに) 明明身边空无一人 (你就在我身边)
どうしてか、彼方の声が聞こえる (貴女の声が聞こえない) 不知为何,我却听见了彼侧的声音 (听不见你的声音)
どうして、目を背けていたのだろう? 为什么,移开了视线?
だって。 毕竟。
握り締めていた、 我曾紧握的
その手は。 那只手。
もう、蓮子 (ひと) では、無かった。 已然,不再属于莲子 (人类)
—ひろがる。—せかい。 —世界。—延展开来。
—なにもかもが。—ありのままのすがたで。 —一切都。—展现出原本的模样。
—ああ。—これこそが。 —啊啊。—这正是。
死という名の幻想 (ネクロファンタジア) 名为死亡的幻想 (necrofantasia)
致命的な何かを奪われたでもなく 并没有被夺走至关紧要之物
徹底的に犯しつくされたでもなく 并没有被彻头彻尾地侵犯过
圧倒的な何かに陵辱 (けが) されたでもなく 并没有被无法反抗地凌辱 (伤害)
倒錯的にもてあそばれたでもなく 并没有被谁玩弄到精神倒错
そう、私を、縛るものなど、はじめから存在 () なかったのだ。 是的,从一开始,就不存在 (没有) 束缚我的东西。
でも、目が、離せない。 可是,我的目光,无法移开。
でも、足が、止まらない。 可是,我的脚步,无法停下。
でも、腕が、動かない。 可是,我的手臂,无法动弹。
でも、心が、… 可是,我的内心,…
わたしは、ただ、くいいるように、それをみていた。 我只是,一味地,凝视着那一切。
一歩、歩めば、神尋ね 走出一步,迈上寻神之旅
二歩、進めば、神隠し 前进二步,遭受神隐之难
三歩、踏めば、神遊び 踏足三步,困于神之游戏
四歩、辿れば、*** 到达四步,***
もう、ひきかえすことなど、できないとわかった。 我明白,我已经无法回头。
うつくしきこのせかいを、目にした刹那の瞬間 (とき) より 在这美丽的世界,映入眼帘的刹那
わたしは、きっと新たに生まれ変わったのだ。 我一定,重获新生了吧。
なんて、すばらしい。 多么美轮美奂。
なんて、いとおしい。 多么令人爱恋。
なんて、ここちよい。 多么心旷神怡。
なんて、あたたかい。 多么暖人心脾。
得がたき、恍惚が、目に見えぬ形をまとって、私に入り込む。 难得的沉醉感,以不可见之形,灌入我的身体。
とても残酷な 如此残酷
とても美しい 如此美丽
終わりなき幻想 (ゆめ) をかき抱くために 为了将无尽的幻想 (梦想) 紧拥入怀
—わたしは、このうつくしきせかいとともに、生きていくのだ。 —我将与这美丽的世界一同活下去。
かつてのその名も 不论过去的名号
自分の居場所も 还是曾经的住处
何より尊いわが友人 (とも) でさえも 就连我无比珍重的友人 (朋友)
その全ての価値より、たいせつなものをいま、私は知ってしまったから 现在,我知道了比那一切都要重要的东西,因此
…なにも、こわくない。 …我已不再害怕。
…なにも、おそれない。 …我已不再恐惧。
これが、“彼方 (わたし) の願い”なのでしょう? 毕竟这就是“彼侧 () 的愿望”,不是吗?
小さな違和感は、握りつぶされた感情と共に何処かへ。 小小的违和感,也和被捏碎的感情一起,消失得无影无踪。
—わたしは、このうつくしきせかいとともに、生きていくのだ。 —我将与这美丽的世界一同活下去。

[中译|Eng.] つまらないお話

歌名 つまらないお話 | 无聊的故事 | Boring stories
专辑 Compilation CD-BOOK 東方 玉手箱
社团 凋叶棕 (for Melonbooks Records)
首发 C98 (2020-05-02)
演唱 めらみぽっぷ
作词 RD-Sounds
编曲 RD-Sounds
原曲 夜が降りてくる ~ Evening Star
少女幻葬 ~ Necro-Fantasy
憑坐は夢と現の間に ~ Necro-Fantasia





I think the protagonist and the “certain someone” in the song is Merry, despite the original songs being Yukari’s (I know, I know, cliché). Here’s what I think happened in the song:

Merry went into Gensōkyō and broke the rules (maybe breaking the barrier was the crime itself). She got defeated by Reimu and Marisa and got expelled from Gensōkyō. As a parting gift, she got a mysterious box from Marisa. (Note that the Reimu and Marisa here are from the PC-98 Touhou games, which were less famous than the Windows games, so in a sense, they were “forgotten”. Maybe the mini-story is one of Merry’s older fantasies, than had since been disregarded. Also the box may have something to do with Marisa’s Casket of Stars?)

Merry never checked what’s in the box, but she concealed everything that she considered “dreg / mud-like” inside to be forgotten. These things include her sins and her own fantasies / stories. She had to lie to the stories to get them inside (maybe they don’t want to be sealed away? Or as the mini-story in the song might be hinting, the stories want a happy ending?). This is why the stories were “betrayed”.

Merry found that her “hope” was somehow left outside the box. She saw “hope” as a sin, so she put “hope” inside the box too. Eventually everything in the box, along with “hope”, were gone / forgotten.

つまらないお話 无聊的故事 Boring stories
得体の知れぬゆえ 那个盒子 因为过于古怪 That box had never been opened
開かずの箱となる 而从未被开启过 Since it was too strange.
永久の暗闇へと 我向其中永恒的黑暗 I gave my condolences
哀悼の意を示して 示以哀悼之意 To the eternal darkness closed within.
贈られ尽された 所有的故事 Now that all the tales
全ての物語 都已被诉说完毕 Had been told,
顧みられもせず 于是我头也不回地离去 I left, without looking back even once,
ただそこに 【死せる幻想 (ネクロファンタジア) 只将【死去的幻想 (necrofantasia) 】 留在那里 Leaving behind me only 【dead fantasies (necrofantasia) 】.
めでたきうた 歌ってみせよ 一起唱响 美妙的歌儿吧 Let’s sing a wonderful song!
わらえばよい 幸せでよい 尽情地笑吧 只要幸福就好 Laugh and be happy to your fullest!
そうして最後の言葉を抱いて眠れよ! 然后接受这最后的话语 睡去吧! Then accept those last words, and sleep!
開けて悔しき“玉手箱 (パンドラ) [1] 打开会后悔的“玉手箱 (潘多拉盒) [1:1] You will regret opening this “Tamatebako (Pandora’s box) [1:2].
その裏側 从盒子内里 From inside the box,
裏切られた物語たちの悲鳴 (こえ) 传出了被背叛的故事们的悲鸣 (声音) I heard the wailings (voices) of the stories that had been betrayed.
——どうしてこうも「希望」だけを残して ——为什么只留下了「希望」 ——Why was “hope” the only thing left?
ほかの全ての咎事 不是已经把其他的罪过 I thought every other sin
摘み取ってしまわれたのでしょう? 全都摘取出去了吗? Had already been plucked out from me?
≪つまらないお話の一例≫ 《一则无聊的故事》 « An example of a boring story»
むかしむかしみこがいて[2] 很久以前有一位巫女[2:1] A long, long time ago, there was a shrine maiden.[2:2]
そらとぶかめにのせられて 她坐在会飞的乌龟背上 She toured Gensokyo’s sky
げんそうきょうをとんだとさ 畅游幻想乡的天空 On the back of a flying turtle:
えにもかけないそのけしき 那副美景远非笔墨所能形容 A scene so spectacular, no painting could capture its beauty.
そしてそしてだれかさん 可是不知谁人 But along came a certain someone,
よせばいいのにむちゃをして 非要胡闹一番 Who was so reckless,
げんそうきょうのきまりごと 因此破坏了幻想乡的规则 They broke the laws of Gensoukyou,
やぶってみこにわらわれた 还被巫女笑话了 And then, they were laughed at by the shrine maiden.
はいはい 目出度し目出度し 对对 值得恭喜值得恭喜 Yeah, yeah, how auspicious indeed!
そして 封を施し御終い 然后 施加封印 大功告成 I shall put a seal on you, and we’ll be done.
そう そこにはもう なにも 是的 那里已经没有 Yes, there is nothing
怖がるものなどないでしょう 任何值得害怕的东西了吧 To be afraid of anymore.
さあさあ 目出度し目出度し 来来 一起祝贺一起祝贺 Well, well, how auspicious indeed!
それが 二度と破れぬ魔法 那是 绝不会被破除的魔法 That magic on you shall never be undone.
そう 最後に遺された 贈り物を 是的 不要松手放开 Yes, hold on tight
手放さぬように 最后留给你的礼物 To our last parting gift.
あらそいなく 手を取り合えば 若我们和和气气 手牵起手 If we held each other’s hands in peace,
大団円 美しきこと 那一定会迎来皆大欢喜的结局 That surely would’ve been a wonderful ending.
そうして最後の言葉を蔓延らせよう! 让这最后的话语 蔓延开来吧! Let those last words spread out!
開けて悔しき“玉手箱 (パンドラ) 打开会后悔的“玉手箱 (潘多拉盒) You will regret opening this “Tamatebako (Pandora’s box) ”.
その裏側 就让那些东西 I shall leave them
閉じ込められて忘れられた侭に 继续被封存在盒子内里、被忘却吧 Locked and forgetten inside the box.
——どうしてこうも「希望」だけを残して ——为什么只留下了「希望」 ——Why was “hope” the only thing left?
葬り去ってしまうのでしょう…? 明明应该被埋葬了呀…? It should have been buried away…?
そうして後生大事にしまい込んだ 于是我极其珍重地将那关进里边 So, with utmost care, I closed it inside.
それがために確かめられもしない 因此我从未确认过 And for that reason, I never checked
その箱に眠るもの 沉睡在那盒中的究竟是何物 What exactly was sleeping in the box.
それが何であったとしても…… 不论那是什么…… Whatever it was……
開けて悔しき“玉手箱 (パンドラ) 打开会后悔的“玉手箱 (潘多拉盒) You will regret opening this “Tamatebako (Pandora’s box) ”.
その裏側 盒子的内里 The box had taken inside
(おり) (どろ) のそのすべて引き受けて 接纳了那渣滓/渣滓 (淤泥) 般的一切 All those dreg / mud-like things.
——けれどもいつか「希望」さえも忘れて ——然而终有一天「希望」也会被一同忘却 ——But one day, even “hope” will be forgotten.
箱の中には何もかも 盒子里的一切 Everything inside the box,
災厄 (げんそう) ”も何処かへと 包括“灾难 (幻想) ”,都不知去了哪里 Including “catastrophe (fantasy) ”, were gone.
それはきっと、つまらないお話でしょう……? 这一定是个,很无聊的故事吧……? Well, this must have been a boring story, hasn’t it……?

注 | Notes

  1. 開けて悔しき玉手箱

    [中] 日语成语,意为「和期待不相符而大失所望」。来自浦岛太郎的故事:浦岛太郎因为救下一只乌龟而被邀请到龙宫城,游玩几天后因想念家乡而执意离开。乙姬劝他留下不成,只好放他离开,还给他玉手箱作为离别礼物,并嘱咐一定不要打开。他回家后发现世间已经过去了数百年,一时忘记忠告打开了玉手箱,箱中飘出白烟,让年轻的浦岛太郎瞬间变成了百岁老翁。


    [en] Literally “the tamatebako (Jewelled Box) that one will regret opening”, a Japanese idiom roughtly meaning “to be disappointed when something doesn’t happen as expected”. This idiom came from the tale of Urashima Tarō, a man who was invited to Ryūgū-jō, the underwater Dragon Palace, for saving a turtle. He stayed for a few days but grew homesick and insisted on leaving. Otohime, the princess of the Dragon King, was unable to dissuade him and had to let him go. She gave him the tamatebako as a parting gift, and told him it should never be opened. When he returned home, he found out that hundreds of years had passed, and everything had changed. He forgot the princess’ warning and opened the box, a cloud of white smoke rose from the box, which instantly turned the young Urashima Tarō into a very old man.

    This phrase is also the name of one of Yukari’s skills in Immaterial and Missing Power and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. [中] 这一段是致敬了日本童谣《浦岛太郎》第一段。前面提到的「開けて悔しき玉手箱」也是本曲的歌词之一。

    [en] This verse is a reference to the first verse of the Japanese children’s song Urashima Tarō. The phrase 開けて悔しき玉手箱 also appears later in this song.

    『浦島太郎』第一段 《浦岛太郎》第一段 Urashima Tarō, first verse
    昔 昔 浦島は 很久很久以前,有个叫浦岛的人 A long, long time ago, there was a man called Urashima.
    助けた亀に連れられて 他帮助过的乌龟为了报恩 He helped a turtle, in return the turtle
    龍宮城へ来て見れば 带他去了龙宫城 Brought him to the Ryūgū-jō,
    絵にもかけない美しさ 那里的美景连画儿都无法形容 A place so wonderful, that no painting could capture its beauty.
    ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

[听写|Transcription] farewell wonderland.

专辑 farewell wonderland.
社团 空彩観測。
首发 例大祭10 (2013-05-26)


除了 BK 上有的一小部分写出来的歌词以外,其余部分具体用字和排版当然都无法确定。

第三、四、六、七轨分别对应四个季节,第五轨名为「境界線」,也确实是鲜明的春夏和暗淡的秋冬之间的分界线。第二轨 dreamily in illusion 与第八轨 dreamily in ruin 呼应,始于幻想终于废墟。

I tried to transcribe by ear (耳コピ) some lyrics from this album, since there aren’t any complete lyrics that I can find. There are still some places of which I’m not entirely sure – those are highlighted in red.

Of course I have no idea what the formatting would be like, nor the correct kanji, beside the parts that were written on the booklet.

Tracks 3, 4, 6, 7 corresponds to the four seasons, with track 5 dividing the brighter spring and summer from the darker autumn and winder (track 5 is called 境界線 meaning “boundary line”). Track 2 “dreamily in illusion” corresponds to track 8 “dreamily in ruin” - the album starts in illusions but ends in ruins.

Tr.3: silent prayer -春の夜の夢の如く-

很喜欢这种 5+7 和 6+7 节奏。

Love the 5+7 then 6+7 rhythm.

silent prayer -春の夜の夢の如く-
ねえ 見えたの 白い瞬き 変わらない瞬き
さあ 語ろう 時の息吹きと 永久を信じて
ああ 聞こえた 時の息づき 変わらない息づき
きっといつもの 他愛ない嘘
望んでいた 終わりなき郷
さあ 謳おう 神を崇めて 篝火を掲げて
咲いた (つい) の春
人の想い 虚しく
風止んで 消える形
風止んで なおうびしい
ここに一度 巡る

Tr.4: singin’ in the breeze -神々が愛した理想郷-

singin’ in the breeze -神々が愛した理想郷-

Tr.5: refrain -境界線-


Just one line towards the end.

refrain -境界線-

Tr.7: farewell wonderland. -理想郷の玄冬-

超爱这曲,特别是 demo 版。


Absolutely love this song, especially the demo version.

Update: I agree with Nazohato’s interpretation of ろうむ = 朧夢. I can’t think of another more fitting way to write this in kanji, so I have (shamelessly) updated it here too.

I can’t be sure of まどうを/まどを. I wrote 惑うを before, but it’s not grammatically correct. 窓を makes slightly more sense to me.

The more I listen, the more I’m certain that the penultimate verse starts with さあ not そう, which is also more sensible.

My translation.

そう 斜陽 硝子の影
落ちて 風焼けるまで
朧夢 (ろうむ) と 胡蝶の羽
閉じて 雪解けるまで
窓を 下弦の月
満ちて 軌道廻るまで
さあ 行こう 孤独の夜
開けて 鼓動分かるまで
さあ 飛揚 冷たい羽
溶かして 影 吹いて 風
水の音 揺れた 波紋 揺らいで

Tr.8: dreamily in ruin -少女と瓦礫の世界-


因为 BK 上写出的部分全是平假名,所以这里也全部用平假名。


There are two voices on each of the stereo tracks conversing with each other. My guess is that they are Reimu and Akyu, as they are featured on the album cover. I personally think the right one is Reimu since the voice is lower, and Reimu seems to be older than Akyu. But since the right is the one who will “tell the story” to the other world, this seems to be Akyu’s job.

I’m using hiragana for this conversation, since the part written on the booklet was entirely in hiragana.

My translation.

dreamily in ruin -少女と瓦礫の世界-
L もうおわったの?
R おわったよ。
L そうなんだ、かなしいね。
R かなしいの?
L かなしくないわ。
R どうだろう。
L さみしいの?
R さみしくなんかないわ。
L どうして?
R また、はじまるから。
L はじまる?なにが?
R あたらしいせかいが。
L あたらしいせかい?ぼくたちのせかいはどうなる?
R かたりつがれる。
L かたりつがれて、どうなる?
R ここでいきつづけるんだ。
L ぼくたち、きえちゃったの?
R きえてなんかいない。いきている、わたしのなかに。
L きみの、なかに?
R そう。わたしがあなたたちのものがたりをおぼえていく。
L ぼくたちのせかい?
R そう。だから、かなしくなんかない、さみしくもない。
L うん、わかった。きみといっしょなら、かなしくない、さみしくない。
R うん、いこう。わたしたちのあたらしいせかいへ。
L バイバイ。

[中译] still alone

歌名 still alone | 仍旧孤独
社团 Find Your Way
首发 例大祭16 (2019-05-05)
演唱 シュウ
作词 Veto
编曲 Veto
原曲 空中に沈む輝針城

This song on Bandcamp.

still alone 仍旧孤独
My ideals cure nothing but me. 我的理想只能治愈我一个人。
I wrote it again and again. 我一遍又一遍地如此写道。
My breaths quicken and disappear. 我的呼吸加快,随后消失。
Face to the floor; it can’t get any worse. 脸朝地面;事情不会比这更糟糕了。
I’ll wait until what I forgot falls from the sky. 我会耐心等待,直到我所遗忘之物从天上落下。
This grudge is what I needed. 这份恨意正是我需要的。
This spite is what I needed. 这份恶意正是我需要的。
Sometimes, I feel like I’m alone. 有时,我感到孤独。
Uneasiness will be my conviction. 总有一天这份不安会变成我的信念吧。
I can’t remember how to regret. 我记不起来该如何去忘记。
Because I don’t have the right to remember you. 因为我根本没有资格去想起你。
The ends justify the means. 为达目的,可以不择手段。
The highest priority is to achieve my purpose. 达成目标才是我最紧要的事情。
I had lost and broken everything after all. 最终我还是失去了一切、毁坏了一切。
But I will not look back until the day I die. 纵然如此,我仍然到死都不会回头。
Nothing is what I saw. 我什么都没有看见过。
Nothing is what I held. 我什么都没有守护过。
Nothing is what I loved. 我什么都没有爱过。
Nothing is what I had. 我什么都没有拥有过。
Death sinking in the glorious sky. 死亡沉向辉煌的天空。
It’s just like snow and ashes. 一如白雪,一如灰烬。
A romantic end is just not suitable for me. 这样浪漫的结局实在不适合我。
So I don’t think I want to be like you. 所以我不想变得和你一样。
Death sinking in the glorious sky. 死亡沉向辉煌的天空。
It’s just like snow and ashes. 一如白雪,一如灰烬。
A romantic end is just not suitable for me. 这样浪漫的结局实在不适合我。
So I don’t need beauty and righteousness. 所以我不需要美好或者正义。
I’m waiting until what I forgot falls from the sky. 我会耐心等待,直到我所遗忘之物从天上落下。
This grudge is what I needed. 这份恨意正是我需要的。
This spite is what I needed. 这份恶意正是我需要的。
I’m waiting until what I forgot falls from the sky. 我会耐心等待,直到我所遗忘之物从天上落下。
Maybe I’ll remember it when I die. 或许在我死去之时,我会想起来吧。

[中译] 万華空

歌名 万華空 | 万华空 | Kaleidoscopic Sky
专辑 緋染夜灯 | 绯染夜灯 | Scarlet Night Lantern
社团 Saga Novel
首发 C87 (2014-12-29)
演唱 うどんタイマーP
作词 Jell
编曲 うどんタイマーP
原曲 東方緋想天
万華空 万华空
ふと見上げたいつかの空は果てしなく 倏然仰望 只见苍空浩瀚 广袤无边
————遠い ————何等辽远
夢、幻の如くとは よくもまあ巧い事言うもんだね 若只称其如梦如幻 那种话语真是过于取巧
昨日眺めてた景色には 今日に無い何か (もの) がある 曾于昨日凝视的景象 其中有些事物 今已不复存在
薄眼に 紅澄む地平へ 沈み また昇る陽 微眯双眼 眺望赤红的地平线 日升日落 轮回不息
これ以上美しい緋色を 他に僕は知らない 此番绯红的霞色 美轮美奂 绝无他物可与之匹敌
まだ我侭で幼かった プライドも何処か置き去りのまま 仍幼小而任性的你 傲慢也不知丢在了哪里
虹靡かせて 今日もまた 黎と明が遊ぶ 长虹翩舞 黎与明 今日也再次一同嬉戏
氷雨立ち 降り雪ぐ大地も 案外泣き虫だね 冰雨倾注于地 淅淅沥沥 意外地是个爱哭鬼呢
聴かせて 君だけの音色を 他に何も要らない 让我听到 只属于你的音色吧 除此之外我别无他求
風の行き先 清风所向
星の導き 群星所指
凍てついた 不機嫌な雲 冷彻心扉的冻云
溶かす陽炎 溶解在阳焰之中
言葉では伝え切れないのに 君に届けるには 明明言语已经不足以 向你传达这份心意
この空高くより名を呼ぶ 他に術を知らない 我唯有从万里高空呼唤你的名字 除此之外我别无他法
いつまでも 遥かなる世界で 君をずっと待ってる 无论何时 我都会在遥远的世界 耐心地等你到来
無邪気に透き燈る空の色 他にもう何も要らない 此番玲珑透亮的天色 纯真无邪 除此之外我别无他求
ただ広いこの空で 只愿你在这广袤的苍穹里
いつまでも 千秋万载
ずっと 亘古不变