A song sung by Yukari Yakumo in Immaterial and Missing Power. The lyrics reminds one of that of Innocent Treasures, but the rhythms do not match so it is probably sung to a different tune.
八雲紫の歌(東方萃夢想より) | 八云紫的歌(出自东方萃梦想) | Yukari Yakumo’s Song (from Immaterial and Missing Power) |
その優しい火が | 那簇柔和的火焰 | That tender fire |
命取られて消えていく | 被夺取性命随而消失 | Is deprived of its life, thus now disappearing |
その儚い火が | 那簇虚幻的火焰 | That ephemeral fire |
厳しい風で消えていく | 受劲风吹打随而消失 | Is raided by gale, thus now disappearing |
血の気無い石の下 | 在毫无血色的磐石之下 | Under the pale-blooded rock |
未来永劫石の下 | 未来永劫都在磐石之下 | For all eternity and beyond |
聳え立つ冷たい石の塔 | 冰冷的石塔 高耸入云 | The cold stone tower stands tall |
朽ち果ててく機械の街 | 机械的街道 腐朽殆尽 | The mechanical street rots away |
崩れ落ちてく砂の城 | 沙上的城池 土崩瓦解 | The city built on sand crumbles down |
溶けて消えるは土の国 | 尘土的国度 化作乌有 | The country of earth melts into nothingness |
空だけは昔と変らぬ美しき蒼 | 唯有苍穹蔚蓝壮丽一如既往 | But the sky alone, stays so magnificently blue! |
国破れて山河在り[1] | 国破山河在[1:1] | The country is broken, though hills and rivers remain![1:2] |
[日] 杜甫の『春望』より。 [中] 国破山河在:出自杜甫《春望》。 [en] The country is broken, though hills and rivers remain: from the poem Spring View by Du fu, one of the greatest Chinese poets of the Tang dynasty. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎