歌名 | 月は其処に在りや? | 明月可在其处? | Is the Moon there? |
专辑 | 縺 |
社团 | 凋叶棕 |
首发 | C104 (2024-08-12) |
演唱 | めらみぽっぷ |
作词 | RD-Sounds |
编曲 | RD-Sounds |
原曲 | 不等式のティンカーベル |
本专辑内容出自 ZUN 音乐 CD《七夕坂梦幻能》附带故事:莲子写论文闭门不出,秘封俱乐部停止活动了许久,因此梅莉独自一人前往调查七夕坂的传说,随后失踪两个星期。莲子在论文中试图用量子力学解释梅莉看到的异界,然而梅莉认为这是无稽之谈。本曲便是梅莉的抱怨。
This album is based on Renko and Merry’s story in ZUN’s CD Taboo Japan Disentanglement: Merry was frustrated that Renko was so engrossed in writing her thesis that Hifuu Club’s activity has stopped, so Merry went to investigate in Tanabatasaka on her own, then went missing for two weeks. In her thesis, Renko tried to use quantum mechanics to explain the other world that Merry saw, but Merry thought this was ridiculous. This song is Merry’s complaints.
See notes section for explanation of the title.
月は其処に在りや?[1] | 明月可在其处?[1:1] | Is the Moon there?[1:2] |
ひとは ときに 誤った道を歩んで | 人类时不时会误入歧途 | Sometimes, humans have walked down the wrong path. |
そして いつか 誰かの礎と果てる | 虽然失败 却为后人打下基础 | But then, their failure became the foundation for someone else. |
自明のことさえ 疑う宿痾もて | 如患宿疾般 就连不言自明之事 也要一并怀疑 | Plagued by the doubt on even the most self-evident things. |
重なり果て 苔むしたその先行研究 | 那份不断被重复的 长满苔藓的先行研究 | That often-repeated, moss-covered previous study - |
そこに“不思議”を問う価値などあるのか? | 在那里询问“不可思议”有价值吗? | Is there any value in questioning the “mystery” there? |
机上の迷宮 | 迷失于桌上的迷宫 | Look at you – lost in a labyrinth on the table |
出口のない道迷い | 没有出路 | That has no exit, |
無謬でもない式に惑わされて | 被自相矛盾的公式迷惑 | Puzzled by fallible formulae. |
破られぬ定理探しては | 要是想寻找牢不可破的定理 | If you want to find an unbreakable theory, |
妖精[2]と踊るばかりより | 那与其尽和妖精[2:1]跳舞 | Then instead of just dancing with the fairies,[2:2] |
ああ空を見よ――今も月は其処に在りや?[3][4] | 啊啊 不如看看天上吧——明月可仍在其处?[3:1][4:1] | Ah, look up to the sky —— is the Moon still there?[3:2][4:2] |
理屈でないそれこそが魔術 | 不讲道理 即是魔术 | No logic – that is magic. |
知性という禁断の果実 | 知识是为禁果 | Knowledge is the forbidden fruit. |
常識の檻の淵から | 从常识的牢笼深处 | From the depth of the prison of common sense. |
論理というくだらない詐術 | 所谓逻辑 不过是无聊的欺诈 | Logic is nothing but boring trickery. |
それだから踊るのよ円舞曲 | 所以你才会和客观存在的妖精 | That’s why you are dancing a waltz |
実在の妖精たちと | 跳起圆舞曲呢 | With the fairies of reality. |
いとおしきものよ | 心爱之人呀 | Oh, my dear, |
その罪を許そう | 我将饶恕你这份罪过 | I shall forgive this sin of yours. |
この手を取り | 牵起我的手吧 | Now, take my hand, |
想像を超えろよ[5] | 我将带你超越一切想象[5:1] | And we shall transcend imagination![5:2] |
五感さえも 欺くようなその研究 | 那项研究 像是要把你的五感都一同欺骗 | Does the “mystery” you seek exist |
そこにお前の求む“不思議”があるか? | 那里有你所寻求的“不可思议”吗? | In your study – the one that would fool even your senses? |
架空の識者 | 架空的学者 | Oh fictitious sages, |
斯くも遠き永遠の彼岸 | 永远的彼岸 竟如此辽远 | So far from the eternal shore, |
在りもしれぬ変数に追いやられて | 被不知道是否存在的变数追逐 | Chased by variables, whose existence are unknown. |
確かなる命題拘って | 与其拘谨于确切的命题 | Instead of confining yourself to a certain thesis |
妖精と踊るばかりより | 以及尽和妖精跳舞 | And doing nothing but dancing with the fairies - |
ああ聞こえるか――汝が辿り着ける叙情歌? | 啊 你听见了吗——你所能找到的那首叙情歌? | Ah, can you hear it —— the sentimental song your could reach? |
偉人はかく語りき―― | 伟人曾如此说道—— | Thus spoke the great minds —— |
自明の問い | 不言自明的问题 | Questions with obvious answers. |
仇を為した不等式[6] | 怀恨在心的不等式[6:1] | Inequalities[6:2] holding grudges. |
正しくもない道を歩むか? | 你是否要走上歧途? | Will you walk the wrong path? |
幻想トートロジー | 幻想恒真式 | Fantasy tautology: |
確かなるは実在性 | 客观存在性确实存在 | Objective reality is real. |
それの何処が“不思議”なのか? | 那有什么“不可思议”的? | How is that anything remotely “mysterious“? |
後退を崇めて美徳とて[7] | 切莫以崇尚落后为美德[7:1] | Don’t take it as a virtue to rever retrogression,[7:2] |
妖精と踊る事勿れ | 切莫与妖精共舞 | And stop dancing with the fairies! |
ああさもなくば――汝の道は真理、也や? | 啊啊 不然的话——你的道路就是真理吗? | Ah, otherwise —— is your path really the truth? |
ああ空を見よ――今も月は其処に在りや? | 啊啊 看看天上吧——明月可仍在其处? | Ah, look up to the sky —— is the Moon still there? |
注 | Notes
[中] 明月可在其处: 出自爱因斯坦问亚伯拉罕・派斯(Abraham Pais)是不是只有在看月亮的时候才相信月亮存在。派斯所著爱因斯坦传记《上帝难以捉摸》(Subtle is The Lord)开头载有此事。
爱因斯坦支持客观实在性(objective reality),不赞同哥本哈根诠释。玻尔和海森堡提出为了得知物体的性质,就一定需要观测,而爱因斯坦不接受这种解释。爱因斯坦认为月亮就算不被观察也客观存在,或许哥本哈根诠释对他来说和认为「不看月亮的话月亮就不存在」一样荒谬吧。
[en] Is the Moon there?: From Einstein’s famous question to Abraham Pais: do you believe that the Moon exists only if you look at it? This was recounted by Pais at the beginning of the biography of Einstein written by Pais, titled Subtle is The Lord.
The Copenhagen intepretation, stemmed from Bohr and Heisenberg among others, states that quantum mechanics is intrinsically indeterministic, and the act of “observing” or “measuring” an object is irreversible. A wave describes the quantum state of a quantum system, i.e. the distribution of probabilities of the result of observation. Every possible result is an eigenstate of the wave function. Observating the system causes the wave function to collapse, and the quantum system collapses into one of the eigenstates.
Einstein was a persistent supporter of objective reality, and did not agree with the Copenhagen interpretation. Bohr and Heisenberg advanced the position that no physical property could be understood without measurement, but Einstein did not accept this. Einstein believes that the Moon objectively exists, and the Copenhagen inteprestation must have sounded as ridiculous as thinking the Moon is not there when not observed.
In Taboo Japan Disentanglement, Merry and Renko are similar to Einstein and Copenhagen intepretation supporters: Merry believes that the “other world” objectively exists, and is not something that should be explained by quantum mechanics. Renko explains at the end that her thesis is not to disprove the objective existence of the “other world”, but rather to prove that not even particles exist objectively, and that everything, whether of this world or the other, is made up of the interference of waves.
It must have been around 1950. I was accompanying Einstein on a walk from The Institue for Advanced Study to his home, when he suddenly stopped, turned to me, and asked me if I really believed that the moon exists only if I look at it. The nature of our conversation was not particularly metaphysical. Rather, we were discussing the quantum theory…↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
大约在 1950 年的一天,我正陪爱因斯坦从高等研究院走回他的寓所。突然,他停下来转头问我,我是不是真的只有在看月亮的时候才会相信月亮存在。我们讨论的不是特别形而上学的东西,而是量子理论……———— Abraham Pais, Subtle is the Lord妖精
[中] 妖精:本曲原曲为《不等式的廷克・贝尔》。廷克・贝尔(Tinker Bell,也译作小叮当)是《彼特・潘》里登场的妖精(fairy,也译作小仙子)。汉语里「妖精」一词常泛指东方文化与西方文化中各种超自然生物,但日语里「妖精」只指 fairy. [en] Fairies: This song is based on ZUN’s Tinkerbell of Inequality. Tinker Bell is a fairy from the story of Peter Pan. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ 空を見よ——今も月は其処に在りや?
[中] 看看天上吧——明月可仍在其处?: 除了标题的解释之外,还发现这一句和日本汉文课里要学的一句话很像:「吾が舌を視よ 尚ほ在りや不や」。这句话原文为「視吾舌尚在不」,出自《史记・张仪列传》。能说善辩的张仪被怀疑偷了楚相的玉璧而被拷打。后来他问妻子「视吾舌尚在不」(看我的舌头还在吗),知道还在后感叹道「足矣」。
[en] Look up to the sky —— is the Moon still there?: Apart from the notes for the title, I noticed that this line of lyrics is very similar to a sentence found in Japan’s Classical Chinese (漢文) textbook: 吾が舌を視よ 尚ほ在りや不や, which means “look at my tongue, is it still there?” (the original Chinese is 視吾舌尚在不). This is from the Biography of Zhang Yi in Shiji. Zhang Yi was a man famed for his eloquence. While he was drinking with a minister of the state of Chu, Zhang Yi was accused of stealing a valuable piece of jade, and was beaten for it. Upon returning to his worried wife, he asked: “look at my tongue, it is still there?”, and when assured that it was there, he said “that’s enough”.
(Side note, later when Zhang Yi became a minister in the state of Qin, he wrote to Chu: “When I drank with you, I did not steal your jade, yet you whipped me. Now, guard your cities closely, for I am going to steal them from you!” - what a badass!) ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
[中] 「在りや」谐音「アリア」(aria),即后文出现的咏叹调。 [en] 在りや (ariya) is pronounced very similarly to アリア (aria), which appears later in the lyrics. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ 想像を超えろよ
[中] 超越一切想象:出自《七夕坂梦幻能》故事中梅莉的想法。 [en] transcend imagination: from Merry’s thoughts in Taboo Japan Disentanglement. あの禁断の扉の向こうにある世界は、↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
The world on the other side of that forbidden door
is something that must go beyond human imagination.———— 七夕坂夢幻能 〜 Taboo Japan Disentanglement不等式
[中] 不等式:原曲《不等式的廷克・贝尔》名字很明显指的是贝尔不等式,该不等式在经典力学中成立,在量子力学中却不成立。 [en] Inequalities: The title of the original song Tinkerbell of Inequality is a reference to Bell inequalities. Physical systems that obey classical physics also satisfy Bell inequalities, but systems that obey quantum physics would violate them. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ レトロ
[中] 古典(retro):《七夕坂梦幻能》故事中,莲子试图以古典量子力学理论(古典的な量子論)解释现象。 [en] Retro: In Taboo Japan Disentanglement, Renko was trying to explain things with “classical quantum theory” (古典的な量子論). ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎