何処かで失くした手紙 見つけて手に取るような |
Like finding a letter that has been lost somewhere, and taking it by hand. |
そういうものに似ている けれどそこに書かれていることに 憶えは無い |
It’s a similar feeling, but I have no memory of what’s written on there. |
自分の足跡 自分というものが生きていた証の それはいつかの紛い物 |
My own footprints, evidence that a being called “me” lived, they are all fake things from the past. |
だれもが生きて生きてそのいのち |
Everyone lives on with their lives. |
何をそこに遺すのだろう |
I wonder what they’ll leave behind in there. |
——その音に込めて。 |
—— put into that sound. |
うたいおもいかなでたものたち |
The things that were sung, reminisced and played. |
けれどわたしには そのすべて 知ることなど叶わない… |
But I have no way of knowing all of them… |
たとえばこの瞬間も 私の胸の底から |
If in this moment too, I can hear the sound of existence |
聞こえる生存の音 これもきっと生きていた証になってしまう |
coming from the bottom of my heart, this will surely also become an evidence of my life. |
余りに頼りない 余りにも余所余所しくもどうにもならない かくもわずらわしい鼓動 |
This all too untrustworthy, stiff, hopeless, and annoying, heartbeat. |
わたしが生きて生きてそのいのち |
I live on with that life. |
たとえ何かを遺しても |
Even if I can leave anything |
——この音のように。 |
—— it will be like this sound. |
うたいおもいかなでたものたち |
The things that were sung, reminisced and played. |
けれど「わたし」には そのすべて 知ることなど叶わない… |
But “I” have no way of knowing all of them… |
「私」が生きた人生—— |
The life that “I” lived —— |
そんな得体の知れない音跡 |
That kind of mysterious sound tracks. |
自分のたてた自分でない音 そんな独り善がりの「音楽」なんて、嗚呼… |
Sounds that I produced, yet do not belong to me. That kind of conceited music, ah… |
そうして生きて生きるこのいのち |
And then I live on with this life. |
いつかまた「わたし」はきっと |
Someday, “I” will surely |
——この音を憎む。 |
—— hate this sound again. |
うたいおもいかなでるかぎりに |
As long they are being sung, reminisced and played. |
「私」の人生を続かせることに—— |
They will continue my life—— |
それでも生きて生きてこの鼓動 |
Even then, this heartbeat lives on and on |
それを持つもののさだめと |
The fate of the person who owns it… |
——この音はかくも。 |
—— this sound is so… |
うたいおもいかなでていこう |
Let’s sing, reminisce and play. |
けれど「わたし」には そのすべて 知らずに生きてほしい… |
But “I” hope that I could live without ever knowing all of them… |
…わたしの、嫌いな、この音楽を。 |
… The music, that I, hate. |