歌名 TENO-HIRA | 手-掌
专辑 “I LOVE YOU, ” | 「我爱你,」
作者 lasah
首发 M3-2014春 (2014-04-27)
演唱 lasah
作词 lasah
作曲 キャプテンミライ

Each song in this album is based on a classic Japanese novel. This song is based on the novella Shunkinshō (春琴抄) by Jun'ichirō Tanizaki.


beat me and teach me 殴打我 教训我
with your madness I adore 以你那令我痴醉的疯狂
hurt me insult me 伤害我 侮辱我
with those eyes 以那双眼眸
blame me and shame me 责骂我 羞辱我
with your sadness I’m allured 以你那令我着迷的悲伤
bruise me abuse me 打伤我 虐待我
as you like 皆如你所愿
maybe you’re not there 或许你不在那里
maybe you’re in heaven 或许你正在天堂
maybe you’re already left your frozen limb, 或许你已舍弃你冻僵的四肢
left your blooming spring 离开了你盛开的暖春
still I see you there 可我仍看到你在那里
still it feels like heaven 可我仍仿佛身处天堂
still I’ll never know to love another skin, 我永不会知晓如何爱上另一幅皮囊
know to love again. 如何再度陷入爱河
like a lark that crosses through the sky, 似是掠过苍穹的云雀
I can hear you singing anywhere, singing everywhere, 我听见你的歌声无处不在,回荡在每个角落
and I’ll always feel your palms in my hands. 而我总能感受到你掌心的温度
bite me and spite me 啃咬我 蔑视我
with your beauty I admire 以你那令我爱恋的美丽
waste me disgrace me 挥霍我 玷辱我
with those eyes 以那双眼眸
hush me and crush me 压制我 碾碎我
with your cruelty so afire 以你那灼热似火的残暴
grudge me indulge me 怨恨我 宠溺我
as you like 皆如你所愿
maybe you’re not there 或许你不在那里
maybe you’re in heaven 或许你正在天堂
maybe you’re already gone a thousand miles, 或许你早已远去千里
gone with one last smile 只留下一抹离别的微笑
still I see you there 可我仍看到你在那里
still it feels like heaven 可我仍仿佛身处天堂
still I’ll never know to live another life, 我永不会知晓如何过另一种生活
know another night. 如何度过另一种夜晚
like the wind that guides me to one light, 似是引我寻找光芒的清风
I can hear you singing anywhere, singing everywhere, 我听见你的歌声无处不在,回荡在每个角落
and I’ll always feel your palms in my hands. 而我总能感受到你掌心的温度