歌名 | 胎児の夢 | 胎儿之梦 | Dream of a Fetus |
专辑 | 謡 |
社团 | 凋叶棕 |
首发 | C78 (2010-08-14) |
演唱 | めらみぽっぷ |
作词 | RD-Sounds |
编曲 | RD-Sounds |
原曲 |
無間の鐘 ~ Infinite Nightmare
ラストリモート ハルトマンの妖怪少女 |
歌名 |
胎児の夢 ~ Soul Undertone
胎儿之梦 ~ 灵魂底韵 Dream of a Fetus ~ Soul Undertone |
专辑 | 改 |
首发 | C84 (2013-08-12) |
该论文也是《DS文花帖》中古明地恋同名符卡的来源。一些关于该符卡更详细的考察可见 THBWiki。
关于原曲之一《无间之钟 ~ Infinite Nightmare》:
- 《无间之钟》和恋的符卡「胎儿之梦」都是在《DS文花帖》中初次登场。
- Infinite Nightmare (无尽梦魇)正是指《胎儿之梦》。
- 「无间」是佛教中地狱最底层,符合本曲残酷的主题,并且梦野久作的著作多以《XX地狱》的格式命名(尽管《脑髓地狱》原名『ドグラ・マグラ』并不符合这个格式)。
This song contains heavy reference to Yumeno Kyūsaku’s novel Dogra Magra (ドグラ・マグラ), specifically the essay featured in this novel titled Dream of a Fetus (胎児の夢). The essay puts forward the theory that a human fetus would dream in the womb of its mother the entire history of evolution (roughly single cell → fish → amphibian → beast → human, a.k.a. recapitulation theory), and the cruel acts committed by its ancestors. This history is imprinted in every single cell of the fetus.
This essay is also referenced by Koishi’s spellcard of the same name in Double Spoiler.
You can read the full text of Dogra Magra in Japanese here.
The inclusion of Bell of Avici ~ Infinite Nightmare is also quite interesting:
- Both this song and Koishi’s spellcard first appeared in the same game Double Spoiler.
- Infinite Nightmare is exactly what Dream of a Fetus is about – a nightmare that continues through generations.
- In Bhuddism, Avīci is the lowst level of Naraka, or “hell” realm, fitting for the gruesome theme. Also, many of Yumeno’s works have titles ending in “hell” (地獄), although Dogra Magra isn’t one of them.
胎児の夢 | 胎儿之梦 | Dream of a Fetus |
連綿と続いてゆく。 | 进化的轨迹。 | The path of evolution continues - |
進化の軌跡―悪夢。 | 连绵不断——如噩梦一般。 | A never-ending nightmare. |
細胞のひとつひとつ。 | 一个又一个细胞之上。 | Each and every one of its cells, |
刷り込まれた記憶達。[1] | 铭印着各种各样的记忆。[1:1] | Is imprinted with many memories.[1:2] |
それは | 看哪 | Look! |
糸 | 细线 | Threads, |
粒[2] | 颗粒[2:1] | Grains,[2:2] |
分裂増大ち[3] | 分裂增大[3:1] | Split and expand.[3:2] |
鱗 | 鳞片 | With scales |
青く | 青蓝 | so blue, |
群を為す | 成群结队 | They form swarms. |
手足持ち | 手足并用 | With arms and legs |
這い回り | 匍匐地面 | They crawl about. |
樹から樹へ | 树梢之间 | From tree to tree, |
飛び回る | 来回穿行 | They jump around. |
より強く | 为了变得强大 | In order to become stronger |
逃れるため | 逃避危险 | And to escape, |
祈り続ける | 而不停祈祷 | They keep praying. |
そして今 | 如今终于 | And now, |
叡智をその手に… | 获得了智慧… | With intelligence in their hands… |
アー夢を見る遠くトオク | 啊——梦见了多么遥远的过去 | Ah, dreaming far into the past |
追われ生き延びていく生存の歴史を | 那段被死亡追逐、苟延残喘的历史 | Of the history of survival - being chased, struggling to live. |
アー入れ込まれたその構造に | 啊——被放置在这样的构造中 | Ah, placed in this structure, |
囚われて夢を見続ける | 被囚禁着、一直做着梦 | Imprisoned, it continues to dream, |
無意識の底に沈み行く | 逐渐下沉到无意识的底处 | While sinking into the depth of unconsciousness. |
アー胎児は夢を見る | 啊——胎儿沉眠梦中 | Ah, the fetus dreams. |
連綿と続いてゆく。 | 进化的轨迹。 | The path of evolution continues - |
進化の軌跡―悪夢。 | 连绵不断——如噩梦一般。 | A never-ending nightmare. |
細胞のひとつひとつ。 | 一个又一个细胞之上。 | Each and every one of its cells, |
刷り込まれた記憶達。 | 铭印着各种各样的记忆。 | Is imprinted with many memories. |
それは | 看哪 | Look! |
罪 | 罪恶 | Sins, |
咎 | 过错 | Faults, |
私欲のまま | 尽是私欲 | Derived from selfish desires, |
殺戮し | 杀戮 | Slaughter, |
略奪し | 掠夺 | Plunder, |
謀 | 谋划 | Conspiracy, |
背信の | 背叛 | And betrayal, |
逃れえぬ | 无法逃离 | Form an unescapable |
繰り返し | 循坏往复 | Repeating cycle. |
血に塗れ | 鲜血淋漓的 | A bloodstained, |
呪われた | 被诅咒的 | Cursed |
憎しみの連鎖 | 仇恨的连锁 | Chain of hatred. |
そしてまた | 然后再次 | Then, again, |
どこかで誰かが… | 在某处、由某人… | Somewhere, someone… |
アー夢を見る遠くトオク | 啊——梦见了多么遥远的过去 | Ah, dreaming far into the past |
犯したその罪の醜い軌跡を | 那条充满罪孽、丑恶不堪的轨迹 | Of the path formed by hideous sins they’ve committed. |
アー夢の終わりはどこへ向かう | 啊——梦最终会通往何方 | Ah, where will this dream lead? |
まだ知りえぬ光の先へ | 是那尚不可知的光芒的彼侧 | Beyond that yet unknowable light? |
ここのつこがねの今際まで[4] | 还是午夜钟声将逝之时[4:1] | Or to the fading of the midnight chimes?[4:2] |
アー胎児は夢を見る | 啊——胎儿沉眠梦中 | Ah, the fetus dreams. |
終わらない悪夢 | 噩梦无终无尽 | An endless nightmare. |
続いていく悪夢 | 噩梦延绵不绝 | A continuing nightmare. |
進化する歩みを止めない限り | 只要进化的步伐不能被停止 | As long as evolution stays uninterruptible, |
血塗られた歴史 | 这血腥的历史 | This bloodstained history, |
呪われた歴史 | 被诅咒的历史 | This cursed history, |
これからも続いてゆくだろう | 今后也会一直继续吧 | Will surely continue. |
アー夢を見る遠くトオク | 啊——梦见了多么遥远的过去 | Ah, dreaming far into the past, |
その罪はその咎は | 毫无办法断绝 | Unable to stop committing |
絶やす事など出来ずに | 那些不堪入目的罪恶 | Those sins and faults itself. |
胎児よ胎児よ何故躍る[5] | 胎儿呀 胎儿呀 你为何跃动[5:1] | Fetus, fetus, why do you struggle?[5:2] |
胎児よ胎児よ何故躍る | 胎儿呀 胎儿呀 你为何跃动 | Fetus, fetus, why do you struggle? |
母親の心がわかって | 是因为明白了母亲的心思 | Have you understood your mother’s heart |
おそろしいのか | 而害怕了吗 | And was it terrifying? |
そして今 | 如今 | And now, |
夢の続きを | 这场梦的后续 | The continuation of this dream |
新たに刻みはじめる… | 重新开始被刻入… | Is starting to imprint lives, once again… |
注 | Notes
[中] 即心理学上的铭印,在行为生物学中指的是一种不可逆的学习模式:通常在一段比较短的,由基因决定的时期里(敏感时期),环境的刺激会被长久地植入个体的行为中,后来看来就好像先天习得的一样。 [en] This is the technical term used in Japanese for imprinting. In psychology and ethology, imprinting is any kind of phase-sensitive learning that is rapid and apparently independent of the consequences of behaviour. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ 糸、粒
[中] 线和粒:线应该指细胞的有丝分裂;线和粒一起则可以指线粒体。 [en] Threads and grains: threads likely refers to mitosis, the process by which cells divide. “Thread and grain” is also literally what “mitochondrion” (powerhouse of the cell!) means in Greek. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ 分裂増大
[中] 该词应该出自论文《胎儿之梦》。 [en] This word is probably taken directly from the essay Dream of a Fetus. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ここのつこがねの今際まで
[中] 汉字写作「九つ小鐘の今際まで」(直到第九个小钟将逝去的时候)。江户时代时,庶民把午夜(以及正午)称作「九つ時」(第九时)(来源)。「今際」意为快要死去之时。在本专辑「謡」发行以前,RD 曾在推特上说过「ここのつこがね」很适合恋的主题曲。这里指的是间宫芳生的作品『合唱のためのコンポジション』中第三首第二章节的歌词。该曲的 Youtube 视频。 [en] In kanji this is written as 九つ小鐘の今際まで (literally “until final hour of the ninth chime”). In Edo era, the common people referred the midnight (and confusingly, midday as well) as the ninth hour (九つ時) (source). 今際 means “dying moment or hour”, so I think the ninth hour here means midnight. Before this album Utai was released, RD tweeted about the phrase ここのつこがね fitting well into Koishi’s theme. What he was referring here is a line from a series of choral music called Composition for Chorus (合唱のためのコンポジション) by Mamiya Michio, specifically the second movement of the third song. You can listen to this song here on Youtube. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ [中] 本段来自梦野久作小说《脑髓地狱》的卷头歌。 [en] This verse is taken exactly from the preface of Dogra Magra. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎