[中译|Eng.] 祝言

歌名 祝言 | Wedding Ceremony
社团 凋叶棕
首发 C95 (2018-12-30)
演唱 めらみぽっぷ
作词 RD-Sounds
编曲 RD-Sounds
原曲 童祭 ~ Innocent Treasures

CD 的 BK 中没有给出这首歌的歌词,以下仅是个人的听写。


The lyrics for this song was not given in the CD’s booklet, so I tried to write it down by ear.

This lyrics is based on the blessings given by the Kannushi in a Shinto wedding ceremony (detail in the notes section after the lyrics).

Nazohato has translated this song into English, thanks!

祝言 祝言 Wedding Ceremony
掛けまくも畏き博麗神社の大前に 怀以无上之崇敬 于博丽神社之前 With the utmost respect, before the grand Hakurei Shrine,
恐みも恐みも恐みも (まを) さく 诚惶诚恐 谨合词陈奏 We dare announce, with great respect and humbleness:
八十日日 (やそかび) は有れども今日を生日 (いくひ) 足日 (たるひ) 選定 (えらびさだ) 方今万物欣荣 诸事圆满 乃经年罕有之良辰吉日 Out of the many days that have gone by and those yet to come, today is the day where everything is full of vigour and fulfilled,
(めと) りの (いやわざ) 執行 (とりおこな) はむとす[1] 是以择今日 执行婚娶大礼[1:1] Thus we choose today to perform the grand wedding ceremony. [1:2]
天なる月を 思へ 在天之如日月之同辉 May you think about your bride like you do to the Moon in the Heavens,
地なる山へ  (むか) [2] 在地之如山川之萦回[2:1] And may you face your bride like you do to the mountains of the Earth. [2:2]
心繋げ 固め 一堂缔约 同心永结 Connect your hearts, strengthen your bonds,
力示せ 助け 同甘共苦 相辅相成 Show your powers to aid each other.
堅磐 (かきわ) 常盤 (ときわ) 终古不变 May you never change
変はることなく 此情固若磐石 And remain steadfast as an eternal rock;
行く末永く 来日方长 May you never waver
移ろふことなく 惟愿矢志不渝 In the many days to come.
斯くも目出度く 斯くも目出度く 此诚可喜 此诚可贺 How celebratable, how congratulatable
長く物語るは 寄以歌咏 千古传颂 Your story shall be told for long.
斯くも目出度く 斯くも目出度く 此诚可喜 此诚可贺 How celebratable, how congratulatable
汝が誓詞 (うけいごと) 海誓山盟 汝且献之 Now, present your vows.
斯くも目出度く 斯くも目出度く 此诚可喜 此诚可贺 How celebratable, how congratulatable
祝ひの詞して 诚惶诚恐 We offer our words of congratulation.
斯くも目出度く 斯くも目出度く 此诚可喜 此诚可贺 How celebratable, how congratulatable
恐み恐み白す 谨拜祝词于此 With great respect and humbleness.

注 | Notes


Below is the Shinto wedding ceremony script taken from 諸祭式要綱 (roughly translates to Outlines of Various Ceremonies), which is a set of Shinto ceremony standards published by the Association of Shinto Shrines (神社本庁), the administrative organisation of Shinto shrines in Japan. Parts that are related to this lyrics are highlighted in red:

以下祝词的来源网站 | Source website of this script

() けまくも (かしこ) き某神社の大前に(斎主=いわいぬし氏名) (かしこ) み恐みも (まお) さく、八十日日 (やそかび) は有れども今日を生日 (いくひ) 足日 (たるひ) 選定 (えらびさだ) めて、何某の媒妁 (なかだち) () り、某所に住みて大神等 (おおかみたち) 御氏子 (みうじこ) 崇敬者と仕奉 (つかえまつ) る何某(親の名)の何男某と、某所に住める何某(親の名)の何女某と、大前 (おおまえ) にして婚嫁 (とつぎ) (いやわざ) 執行 (とりおこな) はむとす (これ) () ちて大神等の高き大御稜威 (おおみいつ) 尊奉 (とうとびまつ) (あお) ぎ奉りて、親族家族等 (うからやからたち) 参来集 (まいきつど) 列並 (つらなら) みて、大前に御食御酒 (みけみき) 海川山野 (うみかわやまぬ) 種種 (くさぐさ) の物を献奉 (ささげまつ) りて称辞竟奉 (たたえごとおえまつ) らくは、天地 (あめつち) (はじめ) の時に二柱 (ふたはしら) 御祖 (みおや) の大神等の創給 (はじめたま) ひ定給へる神随 (かむながら) なる道の (まにま) に、大御酒 (おおみけ) (いづ) 平瓮 (ひらか) 盛高成 (もりたかな) して大御蔭 (おおみかげ) 戴奉 (いなだきまつ) 千代万代 (ちよよろづよ) (さかずき) 取交 (とりかわ) し、永き (ちぎり) 結固 (むすびかた) めて、今より後、 (あめ) なる月日 (つきひ) 相並 (あいなら) べく事の如く、 (つち) なる山川の相対 (あいむか) へる事の如く、互に心を結び力を合わせて相助け相輔 (あいあなな) (うち) には父祖 (おや) (おしえ) を守り、 () には国家 (くに) 御法 (みのり) (したが) ひ、身を修め、家を (ととの) へ、家業 (つとめ) (いそし) み励み、子孫 (うみのこ) を養ひ育てて、堅磐 (かきわ) 常磐 (ときわ) に変る事無く、移ろふ事無く神習 (かむなら) ひに習奉 (ならいまつ) らむと誓詞 (うけいごと) (まお) さくを (たい) らけく (やす) らけく聞食 (きこしめ) して、行末 (ゆくすえ) 長く二人が上に霊幸 (たまちば) () して、高砂 (たかさご) 尾上 (おのえ) の松の相生 (あいおい) 立並 (たちなら) びつつ玉椿 (たまつばき) 八千代 (やちよ) を掛けて、家門 (いえかど) 広く、家名 (いえのな) 高く、弥立 (いよよたち) 栄えしめ給へと、恐み恐みも白す
  1. This line is largely similar to a line in the Shinto wedding script, with one difference: the word 婚嫁 (wedding) is changed to 娶り, which also means wedding, but it is more focused on the fact the husband is welcoming the wife to his household. This is also the title of the album, so the change is likely delibrate. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. This is probably hard to understand without looking at the original Shinto wedding script. In the script, the line corresponding to this verse roughly means “(after today, may you always) be side-by-side like the Sun and the Moon of the Heavens, and watch over each other like Mountains and Rivers of the Earth”. In the lyrics, only one thing from each pair is mentioned. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎