[中译] Depth of My Soul

歌名 Depth of My Soul | 我灵魂的深度
专辑 Saudade
作者 Thievery Corporation
首发 2014-03-25
演唱 Shana Halligan
Depth of My Soul 我灵魂的深度
Where our world falls to pièces 我们的世界支离破碎
And the moonlight starts to hide 月光也化作
In a million little splinters 万千细小光束
In the corners of our mind 藏身于我们记忆的角落
Where endless colors 无尽色彩
They are swallowed by the sun 被艳阳吞没
In a trail full of echoes 在回声萦绕的小路上
Just before they had begun 就在他们开始的前一刻
And fountains full of flowers 在那些满是泪水、
On Islands full of tears 垂柳与烟花的岛屿上
Weeping willows and fireworks 鲜花绽放的喷泉
Explode then disappear 尽皆爆炸随之消失
You believe what you see 你笃信你所见
All the things that you know 及所知之事
But oh you don’t know 然而你定不知晓
The depth of my soul 我灵魂的深度
The depth of my soul 我灵魂的深度
The depth of my soul 我灵魂的深度
Karma’s just a key 业缘犹如钥匙
Unlocking every gate 开启了所有门扉
Eyes are just mirrors 眼眸好似明鉴
Putting us to our fate 映出你我的命运
The sound of hello 呼唤之声
Like a light to the blind 如光明之于盲者
Sending us on a spiral 置我们于螺旋中
Through a world of goodbyes 穿越那充斥着告别的世界
All the truth that we crave 我们渴求的一切真相
Its our fruitless parade 不过是场无谓的游行
In a circus of our shadows 我们在这影中的马戏团
Where we play our charades 玩着你做我猜的游戏
You believe what you see 你笃信你所见
All the things that you know 及所知之事
But oh you don’t know 然而你定不知晓
The depth of my soul 我灵魂的深度
The depth of my soul 我灵魂的深度
The depth of my soul 我灵魂的深度
The depth of my soul 我灵魂的深度