This song is a reference to the Extra Story in EoSD’s omake, where Patchouli made rain fall around the Scarlet Devil’s Mansion to stop Flandre from going out. As stated by Remilia, neither she nor Flandre can walk in rain. This could explain why parts of this song (first verse and another in the middle) bears resemblance to Patchouli’s theme, Locked Girl ~ The Girl’s Sealed Room.
Closed Rain |
Closed Rain |
どこかの裂け目から。 |
From a crevice somewhere. |
もれいでた雨音。 |
The sound of leaking rain. |
けして絶やさぬ様。 |
It never seemed to stop. |
今日も降り続ける。 |
It is still raining today. |
馬鹿みたい。 |
So stupid. |
何を怖がって? |
What are you afraid of? |
独りぼっちの私。 |
I am all by myself. |
慰めているつもり? |
Do you want to consolate me? |
そんな仕業で。 |
Just by acting like that. |
そっと踏み砕いた砂糖菓子の響きだけ。 |
Nothing but the echoing sound of sugar candies being gently stepped on. |
けして喋らない貴女の言葉にするのよ。 |
I take that as your words, even though you never speak. |
それこそ呪いみたいに。 |
It feels like a curse. |
そうよしっているの。 |
Yes, I know. |
あなたがそうするのは。 |
You are doing that. |
わたしのためなのね。 |
For my sake, isn’t it? |
きょうもやむことなく。 |
And you are still doing so today. |
ほらこんなにもね。 |
You want to. |
まもりたいのね。 |
Protect me so much. |
うしなわれぬようにと。 |
You don’t want to lose me. |
どれほどこわがっても。 |
But no matter how much you fear. |
そんなことさえ。 |
You can’t even do that. |
「——なんて素敵なのね。貴女が愛してくれるのは・・・」 |
“—— It’s so nice. To be the one you love…” |
わたしがどこかで。 |
Just so that. |
きずつけられぬように。 |
I don’t get hurt anywhere. |
せまいせかいで。 |
Being locked inside. |
かぎをかけたまま。 |
In this narrow world. |
確かめられぬ感情。 |
Emotion that cannot be confirmed. |
止まぬ雨音 耳を塞いで。 |
To the unstopping rain sound - I cover my ears. |
「——そうよ素敵なのよ。貴女が愛してくれるのは・・・」 |
“—— Yes, it is very nice. To be the one you love…” |
わたしがどこかへ。 |
Just so that. |
いってしまわぬように。 |
I don’t go anywhere. |
「——だから素敵だから。私はずっと愛されて・・・」 |
“—— That’s why it is so nice. I am always loved…” |
あなたのあまおとと。 |
Together with your rain sound. |
ずっとここにいるのね。 |
I will always be here, right? |
せまいせかいで。 |
Until this narrow world. |
くずれおちるまで。 |
Falls apart. |
ひざをかかえて。 |
Until I rot away. |
くされおちるまで。 |
While hugging my knees. |